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Street Photography

Why I love Street Photography

Street photography has never been a commercial pursuit. But street photography is largely responsible for fuelling my interest in photography and undoubtedly played a formative role in me out of landscape photography into the many services that I now offer.

What I love about street photography is it’s honesty. The raw authenticity of freezing one moment in time and space, unplanned, unposed, and unscripted. Not to sell something, not to create a consumable, but for the pure motivation of freezing that one fleeting moment as it occurred, as could only have been observed from that exact angle, at that exact place, in that exact moment of time. Lift is short, and the times we are living in are changing so fast. I think there is a real and genuine art in street photography.

I think it’s really key to have personal passion projects in photography. A lot of photographers get burnt out and lose their love of the craft when it becomes too repetitive or they find themselves only shooting what they are told to when they are told to. Taking some time away from the daily grind and creating something just for it’s own sake or because it means something to you personally is one of the best things you can do to nurture your own creativity and keep you true to your craft.

Street Photography Gallery

Many of the skills that are developed and refined shooting street photography are valuable and transferable to other niches, perhaps none more so than Unit Stills. Just keep scrolling to automagically explore some of my work for the film industry! Or if you’d rather not go down that street, click the happy little button to find something you’d rather look at.

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