Mistaken Identity
Are you looking for me?
My name is Daniel Geesen and I am a photographer based in scenic Skerries, County Dublin, Ireland! After receiving feedback from a few people who had difficulty finding my website or my photography online, I realised there was a need for this page on my website.
Daniel Gleason?
Geesen is a rare name, it’s a very old German name which very few people have. And while I do enjoy having a unique and uncommon name, this does lead to quite a bit of confusion! Especially here in Ireland, where it is almost always mistaken for the Irish surname Gleason, or Gleeson.
Daniel Geeson?
Aside from being mistakenly identified as “Daniel Gleeson“, people often (if not usually) assume my name is spelled “Daniel Geeson” with the common English name suffix of “son” denoting lineage. As in: Danielson, son of Daniel, Geeson, son of a… (well.).
Daniel Geesen!
At last, neither of these are the case! In fact Geesen is an Americanized or Englishised version of Gießen, also spelt Giessen, just as in the town of the same name in Germany. According to wikipedia “the name comes from Giezzen, as it was first referred to in 1197”. My own research has proved inconclusive whether the surname comes from the place name, as in the common surname Paris, or the place name comes from the surname, as in the state of Washington in the US. Although I think the first possibility is far more likely.
Enjoy your stay
I hope this page has helped those of you who were looking for this site. And if for some reason you have stumbled here by accident, well why not have a look around? I hope you like what you see!