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Your Photos, Your World Shared Exhibition

Much to my delight, The Temple Bar Cultural Trust has chosen two of my instagram photographs in the Your Photos, Your World Shared Exhibition, opening this Thursday in the No Grants Gallery in Temple Bar

Best of all I get to share gallery space with some great photographers, iphonographers, and instagrammers, including my very own fellow irelandART Admin, Viktoria Panik (aka @missviii to you instagrammers).

The Pensive Cyclist

The Pensive Cyclist

So if you are in Dublin, and near Temple Bar, drop into the No Grants Gallery and have a look at what’s on display! The “Your Photos, Your World Shared” exhibition opens Thursday, February 2nd 2012 and runs for three weeks!

Follow us on instagram:

Daniel Geesen @danielgeesen

Viktoria Panik @misviii

Temple Bar Cultural Trust @TBCT

10 Days Left to Visit Exhibiton!
Seasons Christmas Fair, Limited Edition Print for Sale!